Copper Bee Apiary

A garden apiary in Whittlesford, Cambridge, UK - honey bees and their beekeeper Hilary van der Hoff.

Queen Jane

Queen Jane is the eldest daughter of Queen Elizabeth, raised from one of the queen cells left in the colony that I split into three after they swarmed.

She is amber with dark stripes. This is the best photograph I could get, as she kept dodging round to the far side of the comb, whichever side I tried to photograph her from. You can just see her about to exit stage right…

Queen Jane at the comb edge

I recently moved them from the upstairs of the next door hive, into a new position with their own floor and roof and a new front door. In the move, they lost many of their workers to the next door colony, as the flying bees were oriented to the previous location. They are a small colony and need to build new comb in empty frames, as well as feed their growing population of young brood, so I have put a feeder of syrup under their roof to provide a ready supply of energy for the remaining workers.

Queen Jane’s hive

Writings, images and sound recordings are by the beekeeper unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved.

Logo artwork © 2015-2020 Susan Harnicar Jackson. All rights reserved.